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User Interfaces

There are multiple ways of accessing information within the MODLR Cloud. Understanding these methods and differentiating between them can help you decide which method is the most appropriate for your needs.

User Interfaces:

  • MODLR Gateway
  • MODLR Frontend
  • MODLR Excel Add-in

MODLR Gateway (Modelling Portal)

The MODLR Gateway is a web-based modelling portal that serves as the primary user interface for creating and managing business models in MODLR. It can be accessed through the URL:

Key Features and Functionality

  • User Authentication: The MODLR Gateway requires user authentication to ensure secure access to the platform.
  • Model Creation and Management: Users can create new business models, define their structure, and configure modeling assumptions and calculations.
  • Data Input and Manipulation: The portal enables users to input and manipulate data within the business models, including historical performance data, forecasting data, and budgeting data.
  • Integration Management: This portal provides interfaces for establishing and managing integrations with other application programming interfaces (API's) alongside direct external database integrations.
  • Scenario Analysis: Users can perform what-if analysis by creating and comparing multiple scenarios within the models.
  • Collaboration and Workflow: The MODLR Gateway facilitates collaborative modelling by allowing multiple users to concurrently make changes to the models and track version history.
  • Reporting and Visualization: The portal provides reporting capabilities to generate visually compelling reports based on the data and calculations within the models.
  • Administration and Security: Administrators can manage user permissions, security settings, and access controls through the MODLR Gateway.

MODLR Frontend

The MODLR Frontend is the user interface that is hosted on each customer's instance of MODLR and provides a customized front-end experience tailored to their specific requirements and branding.

Key Features and Functionality

  • Customization: The MODLR Frontend can be customized to reflect the branding and visual identity of each customer.
  • User Access and Navigation: Users can access the MODLR Frontend using the specific URL provided by their organization and navigate through the customized interface.
  • User Roles and Permissions: The Frontend allows administrators to define user roles and permissions, controlling access to different features and functionalities based on user roles.
  • Collaboration and Workflow: The MODLR Gateway facilitates collaborative modelling by allowing multiple users to concurrently make changes to the models and track version history.
  • Reporting and Dashboards: The MODLR Frontend provides a visual representation of reports, dashboards, and key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to the customer's business.
  • Data Visualization: Users can interact with the data through charts, graphs, and other visual elements to gain insights into the performance of their business. Collaboration: The Frontend may offer collaboration features, such as commenting and document sharing, to foster collaboration among users within the organization.

MODLR Excel Add-in

MODLR for Excel is an add-in that integrates MODLR functionality directly into Microsoft Excel, enhancing Excel's capabilities for performance management and financial planning and analysis.

The Excel Add-in allows business users to build their own reports which access data within MODLR Application Servers. MODLR Excel Workbook functions provide a method for Spreadsheet Developers to refresh data feeds from MODLR Application Servers just by refreshing their Worksheets. This client is best used to build reports which use information from multiple Cubes or very specific data intersections.

Key Features and Functionality

  • Seamless Integration: MODLR for Excel seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Excel, allowing users to access and work with MODLR models directly within the Excel interface.
  • Data Transfer and Synchronization: Users can import and export data between Excel and MODLR models, enabling easy data transfer and synchronization.
  • Data Manipulation: MODLR for Excel provides additional functions and formulas to manipulate and analyze data within Excel using MODLR calculations and assumptions.
  • Model Interaction: Users can interact with the MODLR models, make updates, and retrieve data using Excel's familiar interface.