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subtracts the input number from the cell intersection.

If the cell is a consolidation intersection, slices to the populated child cells and proportionately subtracts from the child cell value.

Proportion is based on the following:

childCellValue/sumOfAllChildCellValues * inputNumber
childCellValue/sumOfAllChildCellValues * inputNumber


/subtract inputNumber
/subtract inputNumber

inputNumber - the number amount to be subtracted from the cell intersection.


/subtract Workview Before /subtractBefore /subtract After /subtractAfter /subtract

  • 2/3 of the inputNumber of 300 was subtracted from Direct Revenue cell.
  • 1/3 of the inputNumber of 300 was subtracted from the Direct Cost of Goods cell.

Example Hierarchy Used

Dataspreading Hierarchy


  • /subtract does not work on string measures.
  • /subtract does not work if the cell or descendant cells are equal to 0.
  • /subtract does not correctly subtract the inputNumber from the consolidation cell if the consolidation cell includes populated children where the value of the child will be flipped through the use of [-1] element signage.