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Simple Set Functions

Set FunctionDescription
Add Blank SpaceAdds a blank row or column between the results of the preceding set instructions and subsequent instructions.
ExpandParses each element in the set so far and includes each parent elements children. The children are added below the element being processed unless a "Reverse (Subtotals at the Bottom)" set instruction is used before this instruction.
Expand AllBehaves the same as Expand except this instruction will include all descendants of the current set elements.
Expand using the Next InstructionExpands the element next mentioned.
Enable Drill DownEnables drill-down across the resulting set elements. The children are added below the element being processed unless a "Reverse (Subtotals at the Bottom)" set instruction is used before this instruction.
Indent prior setIndents the result of previous instructions by one space.
Reset prior set IndentsRemoves all indentation levels on previous instructions.
Remove Items using the Next InstructionWill remove elements if they exist in the results of the previous instructions.
Remove ConsolidationsRemoves all elements which have child elements. This is often used with "Expand All", "Reset prior set Indents" and the advanced instruction "Suppress Zeros" to provide a list of elements (without children) which are populated with data.
Sort by NameSorts the results of the previous instructions based on the element name. If an alias has been set using a instruction prior then the elements are sorted by the alias.
Format 0, 000.00Data Number formatting
Format 0, 000.0Data Number formatting
Format 0, 000Data Number formatting
Format 0.000%Data Number formatting
Format 0.00%Data Number formatting
Format 0.0%Data Number formatting
Format 0%Data Number formatting
Ignore New Formatting on Prior MembersPrevents new formatting instructions from affecting the resulting elements from previous instructions.