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Executes SQL against a datasource

This function is used to execute a SQL statement against a registered JDBC datasource.

datasource.update(datastoreName, query);
datasource.update(datastoreName, query);


  • datastoreName - The name of a registered datasource.
  • sql - Either a INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE or DELETE SQL function.
  • arguments - Optional, A list of parameterized values to insert in place of question marks in the sql statement.


let success = datasource.update(
    "Internal Datastore", 
    "INSERT INTO department_codes (department_id, department_name) VALUES (?, ?);",
        'Head Office'
let success = datasource.update(
    "Internal Datastore", 
    "INSERT INTO department_codes (department_id, department_name) VALUES (?, ?);",
        'Head Office'

The function will return a boolean true or false depending on if the statement executed without issue.