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datasource.createBatch ^v2.7.0

Creates a Batch object which can batch database operations with configurable types such as insert, update, or ignore using a specified datasource.

By grouping database operations into batches, the Batch object can significantly reduce the number of round-trips to the database, greatly improving performance for bulk data operations.

datasource.createBatch(datasourceNameOrId, tableName, fields)
datasource.createBatch(datasourceNameOrId, batchType, tableName, fields, updateFields)
datasource.createBatch(datasourceNameOrId, batchType, tableName, fields, updateFields, batchSize)
datasource.createBatch(datasourceNameOrId, tableName, fields)
datasource.createBatch(datasourceNameOrId, batchType, tableName, fields, updateFields)
datasource.createBatch(datasourceNameOrId, batchType, tableName, fields, updateFields, batchSize)


  • datasource (string): The datasource name or id used for the batch operation.
  • batchType (string): The type of batch operation (e.g., INSERT, INSERT_OR_UPDATE, INSERT_OR_IGNORE). (Default: "INSERT") (optional)
  • tableName (string): The name of the database table.
  • batchSize (int): The number of rows in each batch before triggering a flush. (Default: 500) (optional)
  • fields (array): The field names that each row will contain.
  • updateFields (array): The field names to update on duplicate keys if applicable. (optional)


  • setAllowNulls(allowNulls) - Sets whether null values are allowed in the batch operation.

    • allowNulls (boolean): Whether or not null values are allowed in the batch operation.
  • insert(values) - Adds a new row to the batch. Automatically flushes the batch if the batch size is reached.

    • values (array): Array of values to insert for the row, the length of this array must match the length of fields assigned to the batch.
  • flush() - Manually flushes all pending batch operations to the database.

  • truncate() - Clears the entire database table associated with the batch.


// Example of creating an INSERT type batch with default 500 batch size.
var batch = datasource.createBatch(
    "Internal Datastore",   
    ["field_1", "field_2", "field_3"]

// Truncate database table assosiated with batch, clearing all existing data.

// Insert rows into the batch. if batch reaches the batchSize threshold, it will automatically flush.
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        `test_value_1`, // Value for 'field_1'
        "test_value_2", // Value for 'field_2'
        "test_value_3", // Value for 'field_3'

// Manually flush the remaining data in the batch to the database if any didn't make the batch size threshold.
// Example of creating an INSERT type batch with default 500 batch size.
var batch = datasource.createBatch(
    "Internal Datastore",   
    ["field_1", "field_2", "field_3"]

// Truncate database table assosiated with batch, clearing all existing data.

// Insert rows into the batch. if batch reaches the batchSize threshold, it will automatically flush.
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        `test_value_1`, // Value for 'field_1'
        "test_value_2", // Value for 'field_2'
        "test_value_3", // Value for 'field_3'

// Manually flush the remaining data in the batch to the database if any didn't make the batch size threshold.
// Example of creating an INSERT_OR_UPDATE type batch, where on duplicate key it will update "field_2" for that row otherwise it insert a new row.
var batch = datasource.createBatch(
    "Internal Datastore",   
    ["field_1", "field_2", "field_3"],
// Example of creating an INSERT_OR_UPDATE type batch, where on duplicate key it will update "field_2" for that row otherwise it insert a new row.
var batch = datasource.createBatch(
    "Internal Datastore",   
    ["field_1", "field_2", "field_3"],
// Example of creating an INSERT_OR_IGNORE type batch, where on duplicate key nothing will be updated.
var batch = datasource.createBatch(
    "Internal Datastore",   
    ["field_1", "field_2", "field_3"],
// Example of creating an INSERT_OR_IGNORE type batch, where on duplicate key nothing will be updated.
var batch = datasource.createBatch(
    "Internal Datastore",   
    ["field_1", "field_2", "field_3"],