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Variables are dynamic, custom holders of data that can be referred to within formulas using the VARIABLE() syntax.


Variable Referencing A variable cannot be referred to outside of the container that it lives in. If there are sub containers inside the container the variable lives in, it can be referred to in these sub containers. This is only the case

Common Use Properties

  • Name Property Determines the name of the variable to be used when referencing the variable.

    Example: If the name is set to var, the syntax used in formulas to refer to the value of var will be VARIABLE("var")

  • Value Property Determines the value of the variable.

    Example 1: If 15 was entered as the value for a variable named var, then references to VARIABLE("var") in formulas return 15.

    Example 2: If IF(ELEMENT("Month") = Jan, 1, 0) was entered as the formula value for a variable named var, then references to VARIABLE("var") in formulas where the Month element is Jan will return 1, otherwise references to VARIABLE("var") will return 0.

  • Persist Property This determines the level within the card at which the variable can be referred to.

    • Yes If set to "Yes", the variable will be stored and shown in the card editor Variables Panel. Variables in this panel can be referred to globally in the card regardless of where the variable component is placed.

    • No If set to "No", the variable cannot be referred to outside of the container that it lives in. If there are sub containers inside the container the variable lives in, it can be referred to in these sub containers.