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The Table Component allows the ability to create a table within the card that displays data from Cubes.


The properties of the individual cells within a table can be edited by clicking the small triangular corner on the top right of each cell. It will highlight in blue when selected.

Common Use Properties

  • Row Instructions Property The row instructions allow the creation of additional context specific to the corresponding rows.

    New rows can be added with the "Add" button on the bottom of the Set Editor panel, and add new dimensions to specific rows using the plus (+) button to the right of the individual rows.

    The sets are able to be dragged around into different rows. It’s critical to open the dimension sets that have been added with the small pencil icon and add instructions, as the table will break if the row instructions attempt to run without dimension instructions.

    In these instructions, add the specific elements desired to display on the rows and use Text components to display the ELEMENT() defined in the row instructions.

  • Column Instructions Property The column instructions function identically to the Row Instructions property, however applied to the table’s columns instead.


Using Text in the Table

To display any information on the table, Text Components must be used in the table. They can be added manually by dragging text components into the table cells, or you can right click on any of the cells and either click insert via element or via data.

Inserting via element will allow you to select any dimension and the text will automatically refer to it. It will first rely on the table instructions to find the elements to print, and if the dimension was not set in the table instructions it will then rely on the context panel. If the dimension isn’t present in either, you will receive an error.

Inserting via data allows you to link to a specific cube location, though if all location adjustments are unticked the text will simply link to the broadest context. Anything that is not defined will be found primarily through the table instructions, then secondarily through the context panel.