A trigger is a component used to send data into a cube instantly upon on execution.
Common Use Properties
Execute Property Sets the rules used to determine in what instances data should and should not be sent to the Cube. Only accepts "Yes" (for should send data) and "No" (for should not send data), but a formula can be used to specify instances for each of these.
If set to "Yes", the trigger will run automatically on card load.*
Cube Property Requires the name of the cube which data should be sent to.
This will not work without the Location Property being filled*
Location Property The specific intersection of the cube must be defined here. This is the cube location which the value of the trigger will be sent to (when the
property is "Yes"). This property must be wrapped in square brackets.INFO
This will not work without the Cube Property being filled*
Example: To send a manual amount value to a measure of a cube named "Manual Amount" with the rest of the context being assumed by the card's Context Panel, the value of the property would appear like below.
["Manual Amount"]
Value Property The value which is to be sent to the defined Cube Location upon executing the trigger.