The button component is a flexible component that can enable end-users to:
- Run processes
- Filter / change reports and variables
- Download reports
- Open / navigate to different pages
Common Use Properties
To run Processes
Process Name Property Enter the name of the process desired to run upon clicking the button.
Process Arguments Property If the related process entered in the Process Name Property requires arguments, determine their value using the following syntax:
If the process has multiple arguments, separate with an ampersand like below:
To Filter / change reports and variables
Set Context Property Set Context allows the component to change a card's context when the component is clicked.
Example: To change the element shown from the "Scenario" dimension, the formula could appear as below.
vbIF( ELEMENT("Scenario")= "Actual", "Scenario=Live Forecast", "Scenario=Actual" )
Set Variable Property Set Variable allows the component to change a variable when the component is clicked. Example:
vbIF( VARIABLE("var1")= "123", "var1=456", "var1=123" )
To Download reports
Card Export Property This property will be the Name of the card desired to be exported upon clicking the button. It can be the same card that is being edited, or refer to a different card.
Card Export Format Property This property provides a dropdown list of file formats to choose from.
For CSV files, the card referenced should be a card that consists of at least one Table or Grid component, and does note utilise List components.*
Use Dashboard Context Property This property determines if the card being exported will use the context of the current dashboard or if it will default to the context used in the card being referenced.