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Retrieve the direct parent at a given index for an element in the provided dimension and hierarchy. Indexing is zero based.

ParentGet will only retrieve direct parent values/parents that are one level above the provided element. Elements can appear multiple times within the same hiearchy with a different direct parent.

ParentGet(applicationName, dimension, hierarchy, elementName, index)
ParentGet(applicationName, dimension, hierarchy, elementName, index)


  • applicationName - The name of the application to work in.
  • dimension - The dimension in which find the element.
  • hierarchy - The hierarchy in which find the element.
  • elementName - The identifier of the element for which we will return its parent.
  • index - The index of the parent element to be returned. (zero based)


ParentGet("Performance Management", "Account", "Profit and Loss", "Revenue", 0)
ParentGet("Performance Management", "Account", "Profit and Loss", "Revenue", 0)

This would return the first direct parent element above the "Revenue" element in the "Profit and Loss" hierarchy.