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Retrieves data from a cube based on the intersection of elements.

See FAQ for details about function runtime ordering.

CubeGet(applicationName, cube, ...elementNameN)


  • applicationName - The name of the application through which to access the model.
  • cube - The identifier of the cube.
  • elementName1 - An element for each dimension within the cube which when used, finds a specific intersection.
  • elementName2 - An element for each dimension within the cube which when used, finds a specific intersection.
  • elementNameN - An element for each dimension within the cube which when used, finds a specific intersection. (optional)


CubeGet("Performance Management", "General Ledger", "Actual", "2020", "Jan", "Revenue", "Marketing", "Amount")

This will return the value at the provided intersection for the cube "General Ledger".