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This is no longer up to date - New Excel Version needs installer to support this. Hiding this Page for now.

Installing via Command Line Interface (CLI)

MODLR for Excel is distributed as an MSI (Microsoft Windows Installer) package, a common format for software installation on Windows systems.

If you prefer to install MODLR for Excel via command line instead of running the setup.exe provided, utilizing the msiexec command-line tool, which is built into Windows operating systems, allows for installations without relying on a graphical user interface, can be used for automated installations and provides flexibility in specifying installation parameters.

Make sure to make sure your CLI has administrative privledges before installation.

Run msiexec Command

Execute the msiexec command followed by the path to the installer package (/i in cmd) or (-i in powershell) and any additional parameters you wish to specify.

msiexec /i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi"
msiexec /i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi"
msiexec -i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi"
msiexec -i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi"


If you have previously installed the addin, you will need to uninstall it prior to installing the new version.

Optional Parameters and Properties

You can include optional parameters and properties to customize the installation process. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • qn: Performs a completely silent installation without any user interface.

  • TARGETDIR="installation_path": Specifies the directory where the MODLR for Excel add-in will be installed instead of the default location. Replace "installation_path" with the desired installation directory.

  • For more advanced usage and additional parameters, refer to the MSIEXEC Documentation.

  • For information on properties that can be specified when installing, refer to the MSIEXEC Property Reference

For example, to perform a silent installation and specify the installation directory:

msiexec /i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="C:\MODLR\"
msiexec /i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="C:\MODLR\"
msiexec -i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi" -qn TARGETDIR='"C:\MODLR\"'
msiexec -i "MODLR for ExcelSetup.msi" -qn TARGETDIR='"C:\MODLR\"'